Information 23-02-2023

Installation of a new vice dean in charge of pedagogy, a vice dean in charge of post graduation and department head.

The installation of a new vice dean in charge of pedagogy, Pr. Djafel Abdelilah, a new vice dean in charge of post graduation, Pr. Belkhatir Boumediane, and a new head of the department of Islamic sciences, Pr. Lakhdar Benacer Mohamed Mahdi, took place on February 22, 2023, in the Hall of Honor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. This ceremony suprvised by the dean of the faculty, BENDAOUED Nasreddine, In the presence of Pr. MEGHACHOU Mourad, rector of the University of Tlemcen, as well as the vice rectors of the university, all the responsible of the faculty.

The rector of the university thanked the two vice deans and the outgoing head of department for the services provided to the faculty and wished success for the new officials installed.